Thursday, 12 July 2007


Do any of you computer nerds (or non-computer nerds) out there know what GIGO stands for without googling it?'s not the short form for "gigolo", and no, it has nothing to do with "Google" either.

Well, I won't tell you right away what it means (if you don't know, that is), but here's a bit of the conversation Martin and I had during dinner earlier:

Sheila (refering to someone): So, he arrived first but he's leaving first.
Martin: Yeah, like FIFO in computer language, which means "First-In-First-Out".
Sheila: Well yeah, except in his case, it would be more like GIGO.
Martin (with a blank stare): Er...ok?
Sheila: Yeah, GIGO... . You DO know what that stands for, right?
Martin: No....I don't. Should I?
Sheila: Hey! I thought YOU'RE the computer nerd, so how come you don't know what GIGO means?!? It stands for "Garbage-In-Garbage-Out"! I thought it was one of the first things you'd learn in basic computing?
Martin: No, never heard of that. So you're saying that if you google "GIGO", it will come up with "Garbage-In-Garbage-Out"?
Sheila: Yes! You wanna bet? Just name your price and I'll name mine. cut a long conversation short, my "price" was that he doesn't play his computer game for the whole coming weekend. He wasn't confident enough to take me up on that, even though I told him that he can name ANY price from me (including "don't blog for a whole month" if he wins ;o)), but no, my price was too high for him. So I said "Ok, how about if I win, then I get to blog about this?"

I guess you guys know the result of that bet then, since you're sitting at your computer reading about this ;o).