Monday 29 September 2008

RepubliCAIN or DemOBAMAcrat?

I don't normally follow much on what goes on during the Presidential election in the US, but somehow the progress of this year's elections interests me quite a bit. Probably because there is FINALLY a candiate who seems interesting and fit to be the next US President, and that would be without a doubt:

John McBushCain!!!

Yeah, right. Seriously, if he becomes the next US President with his joke-of-the-year Sarah Palin as his running mate, then there is something really wrong with America. NO MORE REPUBLICAIN REPUBLICAN RULE PLEASE! George Bush's 2nd term as President was already 1 term too many - we don't need another 4 years of Republican rule.

Let's go back to the good ol' days of Bill Clinton (minus the scandal). Let's have a CHANGE, a FRESH mind, a NEW PERSPECTIVE! Yes, I know that Obama has age and his lack of experience against him, BUT HE HAS THE BRAINS! HE HAS THE RIGHT ISSUES PRIORITISED! And he has the personality! And he is at least having the support of an experienced Joe Biden as his 2nd hand man to make up for his own lack of experience.

So what if McCain has had more experience? It doesn't mean he's better. He could just be having more experience in making wrong decisions. If "experience" is so important, then why is his running mate the inexperienced, scandalous SARAH PALIN? So what if he is a war "hero"? That doesn't mean he'll make a good leader. In fact, it could bring more questions to his state of mind because all who had been through war do suffer the effects of it in their mind.

Anyway, I don't want to make this a very political post, but after watching the Presidential debate, I am more convinced that Obama's the man I want to be the next President of the United States, and I really do hope that Americans will not make this election superficially based on RACE or SEX.

I am pretty sure that if the rest of the world could take part in this election, Obama would have already won by a HUGE margin never seen before. Somehow though, for a country who had elected Bush twice, I fear that McPain's going to win. I really hope I'm proven wrong.