Friday 8 August 2008

080808 - my day

As mentioned in a couple of posts below, I had decided to have a birthday party after all this year, since it was a good date and on a Friday. I didn't take the day off from work though, so I had to rush home after work to prepare for the arrival of my guests.

Big thanks to hubby and dear sister, Claudia, who were able to be home earlier to help get the last things (drinks, snacks, etc). Love you both!

And special thanks to all my dear guests who took the time to come celebrate my day with me, as well as those who were not able to be with me in body due to circumstances, but who were nevertheless with me in spirit :o). Also, special honour to Wagma who was the guest who arrived at precisely 08:08pm - you go, girl ;o)!

Anyways, pictures below from the celebration:

Opening presents.

My dear guests.

That's right, Hannah...put it back ;o).

Don't be sad, Claudia...soon it'll be your birthday too :o).

So many lovely gifts!

Chocolate muffins were home-made by sis Claudia. She made 31 (don't ask me why - I'm wondering it myself), but at the end of the night, there were only 19 left. That must be my age then.

Some guests were enjoying smoking the waterpipe earlier. Well, not sure about the "enjoyment" part really, since I heard that the tobacco flavour that they mixed tasted horrible.

"Happy birthday to me!"