Sunday 14 October 2007

Black and white

Hmm...the multicolour eyes were actually a mistake, but then I saw how cool they were, so I decided to keep that mistake anyway... .

Looks like a portrait painting, huh? Well, it's nothing compared to what this guy did:

Had the above portrait made in Barcelona in 1999. It was made "live", so I had to sit there in front of him for a good 2hrs! And not just sit, but sit still too! I was afraid to move because...what if that had caused him to make mistakes? My portrait would then end up looking something like this:

So yeah, I had to sit really still, and eventually, people started crowding around us to see the work in progress. I'm sure they liked his talent a lot, because the minute I got up from the chair after his work of me was completed, a guy quickly took over my "hot spot" before anyone else could... .

I just hope that Russian artist was able to get some lunch before he started on another 2hr straight of concentrated work, since it was already past noontime when he completed mine. But yeah, he was very talented indeed... . One can tell by the way he drew out the eyes... .