Tuesday 30 October 2007

I almost did a "Britney"

I did something terrible, something I had never done before. Blame it on faulty equipment, blame it on me being careless, but I almost had a heart attack when I saw that I shaved off a little too much of my right eyebrow!!! Girls will understand my despair; guys, go away - it's not remotely funny.

What are you lookin' at?!

Can you see where I almost shaved off my eyebrow the way Britney shaved off the hair on her head (click to see it more obviously)??? What a nightmare! But ok, depending on which angle you're looking at me from, I guess it's not too obvious... . Thank goodness.

Happy again...it's not that bad after all!

I can also feel some stubby hairs growing back at the spot I shaved too much of, so hopefully within the week I will be regenerated... .

Btw, did you know that your nose and ears are the only parts of the human body that continue to grow until we die? Probably more obvious in men, but women are not exempted. Old women ears can at least be hidden from view with their hair, but how do you hide the size of your nose??? I already dislike the size of my nose...so if it should keep growing for the next 70 years (assuming I live to the nice ancient age of 100), I'd be an elephant! Or worse, a pig if it grows wide instead of long!

"Oink! Oink!" says Miss Piggy

Why can't it be boobs that don't stop growing instead? That way, the older we get, the bigger our boobs; then we won't need to complain anymore that it's easier for dirty old men to get young women because old women will now have big boobs to attract young men. Saggy and wrinkly maybe, but big ;o).