Thursday 3 April 2008

I'll be back!

Ok, ok...I see that not many people are falling for my April Fool's joke post below. Or maybe they did, but didn't feel sorry for me ;o). Well, I did fool a good friend though (received an sms telling me how sorry he was to hear the bad news), so that's better than nothing, I guess ;o). The rest of you...just wait till next year ;oP!

Update! - 04 APR
Yay! Got more victims to my joke post below :o)! My parents-in-law had called Martin to express their sympathies to my loss...only to hear that they've been April fooled ;o)! Yes, yes, all my victims had requested that I spank myself for being so cheeky...but hey, what fun is April Fool's without jokers like me, right ;oP? Hee...hee... .

PS: I think my best April Fool's joke ever though, was the one in 2005 where I told everyone I was pregnant ;o). Fooled my colleagues, fooled my managers, fooled my mum and sisters, fooled my friends, fooled ex-colleagues, fooled Martin. Good friend, Sandra, even sent me a message reply to say that she suspected it because she noticed I had put on some weight!!! What the...?!?! Hmpf! But hey, at least I got some honesty on my weight then... ;o).