Saturday 7 July 2007

I have the power!

I don't know if you guys remember He-Man and the masters of the universe? Well, whenever he draws out his sword and changes from Adam to He-Man (good thing it's not "She-Man"), he has this little speech thingy:

"By the power of Grayskull, I HAVE THE POWER!!!"

Well, in my blogsphere, I have a saying too:

"By the power of my Internet connection, I HAVE THE POWER!!!"

So yeah, all comments are welcome (freedom of speech), but not all will be published (freedom of not reading crap speeches). If you leave nasty comments and choose to remain anonymous, don't expect me to publish them or even take them seriously. In my blogsphere, I'm in control - MUUAHAHAHA.

Therefore, to the one I am refering to, you know who you are....and the best part is, I know who you are ;oP. Funny thing is, that nasty comment went directly into my gmail's Spam box... . Very fitting indeed (and no, I didn't control that part). it me, or does He-Man have a frustrated-looking Yellow goddess-like being in his background??? Maybe it's just me... .